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It has been shown that the true armyworm, Leucania unipuncta, exhibits a conspicuous variation dependent upon the population density in which the larvae grew up (IWAO 1956). In this paper, the author made an attempt to discover whether there are any differences in the mode of response to density change between L.unipuncta and its related species, L. loreyi and L. placida. L. loreyi is a pest of sugar-cane and other graminaceous crops in tropical and subtropical countries, though it is less injurious than L. unipuncta. L .placida occurs in Japan and adjacent areas but causes no damage to the crops. Parallel breeding experiments were carried out under the constant temperature of 25〜28℃ and natural daylight with Bromus or maize leaf as food. Larval density varied as 1,5,10 or 20 individuals per vessel. In L. unipuncta the larvae reared in crowds bear fine black coloration in contrast with greenish yellow or reddish brown color of the larvae in isolation. The crowded larvae of L. loreyi are also somewhat darker than the isolated ones but they never become blackish even at very high density. L. placida does not change its color in response to density conditions (Figs. 1,2). The rates of larval and pupal development are accerelated in the crowded culture of L. unipuncta but retarded in those of the other two species (Fig. 3 ; Tables 1,4). The weight of pupae decreases with increasing density in all three species (Fig. 4 ; Table 3). In L. unipuncta the crowded larvae are more irritable and consume more food than the isolated ones, while in L. loreyi and L. placida such clear-cut differences could not be found between the larvae reared in crowds and in isolation (Table 2). In any species the length of preovipositional and ovipositional periods, fecundity and coloration of adult moth are not affected significantly by the density during larval period (Table 5). Longevity of the adult is, however, considerably prolonged in high-density type of L. unipuncta, but rather shortened in that of L. loreyi (Fig. 5 ; Table 5). Thus the mode of density-dependent variation observed in Leucania unipuncta is quite different from those of its related species, L. loreyi and L. placida, while it resembles in many respects the phase variation of swarming locusts. It seems likely that "phase" dimorphism is characteristic in those species which fluctuate their population density extremely owing to their habits and/or habitat conditions.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1959-04-01
- 施設園芸における病虫害の発生生態と化学的防除 : III.ビニルハウスにおけるオンシツコナジラミ, アブラムシ類の発生様相と薬剤防除
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- 施設園芸における病虫害の発生生態と化学的防除 : I.露地とガラス室におけるアブラムシ類の増殖パターンの比較
- ホソヒラタアブの産卵とアブラムシ密度との関係
- 害虫個体数の変動と関連した個体形質の変異 : 発生予察に対する1つのアプローチ(III 害虫の発生予察)
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- 飼育密度を異にしたアワヨトウ幼虫のチロシナーゼ活性
- アワヨトウの相変異 : IV.不適な食草に対する幼虫の耐性は相によつて違うか
- アワヨトウ及びその近縁種における密度依存的変異性の比較
- オオニジュウヤホシテントウのナス畑における分布様式と棲息密度の関係 : 昆虫の分布様式に関する研究 6