- 論文の詳細を見る
Experiments were carried out to examine the effect of different foods and densities on the growth rate of larvae of Dermestes maculatus at 30℃, 60〜70 per cent R.H. Egg laying habit and factors influencing it were studied. 1. Larvae reared on the dried pupae of silkworm were shorter in the duration of the larval period, fewer in the number of larval instar, lower in the larval mortality and heavier in the weight of pupae as well as newly emerged adults as compared with those reared on the fish meal (Tables 1〜3). 2. When larvae reared on a kind of diet, the isolated condition was more favourable for their growth than in a crowded condition. But the effect of diet was more evident than that of density (Tables 1〜3). 3. The pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition periods and the number of eggs laid by a female when fed on the dried pupae of silkworm were investigated(Table 4). 4. Egg laying usually occurred at the intervals of 1〜2 days and continued successively for 1〜3 days (Table 5). The mean number of eggs is 3 per day per female. When omit the resting period from oviposition, the net mean is 7.3 eggs per day. 5. Positive correlations were observed between the weight of newly emerged adults and their longevity, or fecundity. Adults accessed on food showed periodic changes in their body weight (Figs. 1〜2). 6. The number of ovalioles varies from 17 to 25,rarely exceeding 25. The commonest number was 24+24. 7. Female adults which were deprived of food did not deposit eggs and their longevity shortened as much as one-fourth as compared with those accessed with food (Tables 6〜7,Fig. 3). 8. Repeated matings are necessary for the attainment of potential fecundity (Table 8). The unfertilized female deposited eggs numbering one-tenth of the fertilized one. Fertilization could occur before the development of eggs.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1959-04-01
- 350.水稲害虫の総合防除 : 非塩素系殺虫剤への移行と殺虫剤散布量軽減のための具体的試み
- 233. 水稲害虫における殺虫剤と天敵のインテグレーション(一般講演)
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- ツマグロヨコバイの卵塊卵粒数の変異
- ツマグロヨコバイにおける殺虫剤抵抗性とアリエステラーゼとの関連について
- トビイロウンカの翅型決定における密度の累積効果
- 340. トビイロウンカの翅型決定における密度の累積効果(一般講演)
- 119. ツマグロヨコバイ子世代に及ぼす親の日令効果