植生調査資料の交換, 保存, 活用を通じて生態学者の協力へのよびかけ
- 論文の詳細を見る
During an ecological investigation, field data taken at the time of the survey are of prime importance and should be written in readable from for the purpose of reference. After a scientific report concerning the vegetation surveyed has been published, there remain usually some data not included therein but which might be useful for some other workers. Therefore, to promote the study of plant communities most efficiently. I appeal to the ecologists concerned that the field data taken during a vegetational survey should be copied, distributed, preserved, and open to public. Another important reason is that field data are sometimes lost or misplaced by the worker. Data of geographically separated regions are necessary when comparing their plant communities, even though an individuals reserch may be limited to a certain geographically or politically restricted area. Although many difficulties are met with I earnestly desire its realisation and any opinion will be welcomed.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1958-07-30
- 常緑樹林の冬越しについて
- 阿蘇および久住の原野植生
- 九州中部火山地帯の草原植生 : 組成群の分布と環境因子
- 阿蘇および久住草原植生の組成群
- 生態学用語集の完成によせて : 批判の立場から
- イチイガシを中心としてみた森林立地
- 511.九州中部山地森林植生概説
- 植生調査資料の交換, 保存, 活用と公共性をもつ調査の報告について
- 植生調査資料の交換, 保存, 活用を通じて生態学者の協力へのよびかけ
- 233. 九州中部山岳の原野植生について(第67回日本林学大会プログラム)
- 奥黒部, 立山および白山のハイマツ低木林と高山ハイデ
- 日本植物社会における生態群
- 奥黒部の亜高山帯森林植生
- 日本の土と植物
- 太平洋協会太平洋植物生態学の小委員会
- 日本の暖帯について