- 論文の詳細を見る
Three nests of Camponotus herculeanus japonicus MAYR were separately dug open and all the individuals of each nest were collected and measured as to the width of the head. The crude data obtained were as shown in Table 2 and the relative frequency distribution curves in Fig.1. All the individuals of one of the nests (Nest No.2) were measured in relation to the width and length of the head and pronotum, with the results of coefficient of correlation between them as given in Table 1. Judging by the range of their size distribution, the ants of this species have a potential ability to illustrate Curve A of Figure 2 under full-fed condition. When suppressed by an environmental pressure (in this case scarcity of food), it might change either into Curve B or into Curve C of the same Figure. That the actual curve obtained with this species of ants is neither of such curves, but Curve D, is resulted, according to the authors' opinion, from the regulative action of the worker ants against the environmental pressure (insufficient amount of food) which, maintains, on the one hand, the necessary number of individuals of the population at the sacrifice of the large individuals and, on the other hand, secures a small number of large individuals at the cost of the numerical dominancy of the population. However, the authors consider that the large individuals are brought about by mistake at the time when the ants breed the reproductive caste. According to the data obtained with Nest No.2,the ratio of the width to the length of the head is less than 1 in the small members of the population, 1 or nearly so in the medium-sized individuals and more than 1 in the large individuals (Fig.3). The result seems to give a suggestive evidence toward to opinion long believed among the myrmecologists that the dimorphism in the worker caste evolved from the polymorphic state through the extinction of the intermediate classes.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1957-05-31
- 文鳥の社会生態
- 綜合討論(形態学・心理学・生態学)
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