分散と個体群圧力 : アリジゴクの棲息密度についての実験的研究(II)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The relations between the population densities and the rates of dispersion in the experimental populations of the ant-lion and some other insects were examined. 2. For the observation of dispersion of the ant-lion, soil was spread uniformly on the floor, covering the area of 120cm×120cm with the thickness of 2cm on which the individuals were liberated. 3. Two types of behavior of the ant-lion on the experimental field were seen ; one is the normal type, the individuals of which usually make their pits at short distances from the released point when the population density is low, and the other the "unstable" type, in which the individual pit-formation takes place after migration over long distances even in low density. A remarkable increase in the number of unstable individuals was seen when food was not supplied for two or more weeks. 4. When the normal individuals are released in the centre of the field, the rate of dispersion increases with the increase of initial number of individuals. The following equation which relation agrees well with the empirical data : [numerical formula] where y is the number of individuals found in the area S, and N the individuals introduced initially, while b and c are constants. 5. To indicate the degree of population pressure which accelerates the dispersion, an index P was proposed, which is calculated by [numerical formula] 6. Using the data obtained by KONO (1952) with the rice-weevil (Calandra oryzae) and by WATANABE et al. (1952) with the azuki-bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis), the change of the dispersion rate with the elapse of time was examined. As the result, it was found that this change is related to the change of the value of c in the equation (1), the relation being as : [numerical formula] where t is the time, and u, v are constants. Thus, the equation of the "density-time-area dispersion curve" is given as : [numerical formula] 7. The change of dispersion rate when the dispersion is disturbed by a barrier was also studied experimentally using the ant-lion. The result showed that the decrease of dispersion rate caused by the barrier is expressed by the increase of the value of c when t→∞. Thus, the degree of barrier effect to the spatial distribution can be represented by the index α, the value of which is given by [numerical formula] where u_1 is the value of u when the barrier exists, and u_0 is the value when no barrier exists. Similarly, the degree of barrier effect to the velocity of dispersion may be represented by the index β, the value of which is given by [numerical formula] 8. By comparing the values of P of three species of insect, it was shown that, the population pressure in unit area is largest in the ant-lion, and smallest in the rice-weevil, while it is intermediate in the azuki-bean weevil, when the population densities are equal to one another.
- 1954-07-31
- 綜合討論(心理学・生態学)
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- 分散と個体群圧力 : アリジゴクの棲息密度についての実験的研究(II)
- アリジゴクの分散と棲息密度との関係について(生態・動物地理)
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- おわりに(大阪市立自然史博物館(編),シンポジウム 淀川の自然保護を考える:p. 80)