- 論文の詳細を見る
AIZAKI, MORIHIRO (Dep.Biol., Fac.Sci., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Tokyo). 1978. Seasonal changes in standing crop and production of periphyton in the Tamagawa River. Jap.J.Ecol., 28 : 123-134. Seasonal changes in standing crop and primary production of periphyton community were measured in the Tamagawa River. Standing crop and production rate of periphyton community were always larger in the midstream where the river water is heavilypolluted by municipal sewage, compared to the data obtained upstream where the river water is only scaroely polluted. The standing crop of periphyton in the midstream region fluctuated violently throughout the year except in winter, e.g.chlorophyll a fluctuated between 100 and 500 mg/m^2. Photosynthetic rates fluctuated also throughout the year except in winter. The range of fluctuation of gross production was 0.53-19.2 g O_2/m^2.day. The annual gross production during June 1973 to May 1974 was estirpated to be ca. 2000 g O_2/m^2. It was concluded from these data that the present condition of the midstream of the Tamagawa River seems to be near the limit of active growth of sessile algae.
- 1978-06-30
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