- 論文の詳細を見る
Field observations of free-ranging Japanese monkeys were made at a feeding ground for three years from the sixth month after the beginning of provisionment(June, 1972 to September, 1974). In a provisioned troop, several social alterations occurred as feeding continued : except for a leader male, adult males gradually began to avoid the feeding ground, the dominance order among adult females changed drastically and then stabilized progressively, and antagonisticinteractions between adult females after their individual childbirths increased in frequency. These effects, probably due to provisioning, indicate that the social organization of non-provisioned troops is not identical with that of provisioned ones, which are the ones described and analyzed by many authors.
- 1978-03-30
- Seasonal variation in the body fat of Japanese macaques Macaca fuscata
- 渡邊邦夫・京都大学霊長類研究所付属ニホンザル野外施設教授(Memento mori〜先輩から後輩へ託す、心の声〜)
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- 閉苑した野猿公苑のその後(ニホンザル野猿公苑 : 反省と展望)
- 「現況研」からのニホンザル保護のための声明
- 「現況研」からのニホンザル保護のための声明
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- ニホンザルの餌付け初期における社会変動
- スラウェシマカクの頭蓋サイズの性差
- 秦嶺山脈に於けるキンシコウ Pygarhrix (Rhinopithecus) roxellana 研究と保護の現状
- インドネシアにおけるマカクの研究
- 野生生物保護学会第9回大会を終えて(野生生物保護学会2003年大会大会報告)
- ブナの森から-クマゲラとともに, 藤井忠志, 本の森(2003), \1, 800+税, ISBN : 4-938965-52-6
- ローレリンドゥ国立公園の失敗:混迷するインドネシアの自然保護政策と住民の自治
- First evidence on foot preference during locomotion in Old World monkeys : a study of quadrupedal and bipedal actions in Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana)
- Life history of male Japanese macaques living on Koshima Islet
- Social organization of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains, Central China
- P12)Incidences of Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) Falling from Trees
- サル類と種間雑種の形成-1-スラウェシマカクの例から
- サル類と種間雑種の形成-2-移行帯の特徴と雑種形成のメカニズム
- Discrimination of Macaques by Macaques : the Case of Sulawesi Species
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- ニホンザル個体群管理の現場と今後の課題
- Diet and activity budget of Rhinopithecus roxellana in the Qinling Mountains, China
- Preliminary study on eye colour in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in their natural habitat
- ニホンザル個体群管理の現場と今後の課題
- 野生ニホンザルの採食する木本植物
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- On the incorrect population sensus method for the Japanese monkeys