- 論文の詳細を見る
In the production ecology of animal populations, the turnover rate has usually been defined by P/B^^-, where P is the net production and B^^- the mean biomass during a given period or over the life of a cohort. However, it is shown theoretically that the above definition is not applicable to the non-stationary populations, and that the turnover rate of a population should be defined in general by the ratio of the "mean appearance time" to the mean residence time of the biomass. The tumover rate thus defined can be measured by E/B_MAX or at least approximately by P/B_MAX, where E is the elimination and B_MAX the maximum biomass of the population. The estimated P/B_MAX values based on three estimates of B_MAX (B_max, B^*_max and B^**_max) were compared with each other and with P/B^^- for the populations of several aquatic insects.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1975-09-30
- 綜合討論(心理学・生態学)
- 生態学の現状と展望
- 綜合討論(生態)
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- 分散と個体群圧力 : アリジゴクの棲息密度についての実験的研究(II)
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- 生態学と数理 (数理生態学)
- 個体の分布と環境
- 動物個体群の分布構造の解析
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- 生物群集の構造における量的取扱い : I.モデル抽出実験における種数, 個体数関係(分類・生態)
- 群集比較の新方法(生態)
- おわりに(大阪市立自然史博物館(編),シンポジウム 淀川の自然保護を考える:p. 80)