須磨海岸におけるムラサキイガイ個体群の付着, 生長及び死亡に関する生態学的研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
Hosomi, Akimichi (Kobe Ikuei High School) The ecological study on the adhering, growth and death in population of Mytilus edulis L. at the seashore of Suma in Kobe. Jap. J. Ecol. 18,74-79 (1968). Observation were made on Mytilus edulis that adhered to the jetty for sand arrestation at the seashore of Suma, from Feb. 1966 to July, 1967. When the concrete jetty was built at the inter-tidal zone in Feb. 1966,the population of less than one year old Mytilus edulis appeared in about July, 1966. The population spread on the vertical side of the jetty and then declined gradually, and disappeared comletely by Aug, 1967. The observations revealed the following facts : 1) The period when of maximum adherence is from Apr. to July. 2) Growth of the height of bivalves is 49mm in average, in a year from the time of larval shell adhering. The rate of growth declines to the minimum in Jan. 3) The average sizes of the dead bivalves shells in population are smaller than the living ones. The number of dead shells becomes most abundant in winter. 4) The populations have complex structure composed of double strata mainly in the winter when the population thrives well.
- 日本生態学会の論文
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- 須磨海岸におけるムラサキイガイ個体群の付着, 生長及び死亡に関する生態学的研究
- 須磨海岸におけるムラサキイガイの成長について