マウスの巣つくり活動, とくにその過程の確率論的解析について
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the nest-building behavior of the mouse from a view point of stochastic process. We used a simple method to measure the nest-building behavior quantitatively. The mouse was put in a small box the bottom of which was covered with many pieces of paper. As the mouse used paper for its nest, blank spaces were gradually formed at the bottom of the box with nest-building activities. Accordingly, if the blank spaces are shown quantitatively, it is easy to know the degree of nest-building activity (n.b.a.) on time scale. In this experiment, the bottom of the box was partitioned into 104 parts at right angles and covered with 300 pieces of paper of uniform thickness. By the above-mentioned method, the n.b.a. was measured at intervals of 15 minutes at mean room temperature, 17.2℃, 18.0℃, and 19.4℃ respectively. Further, a stochastic method was made to analyze this n.b.a. process. The estimated mean, N^^^-(t), and estimated variance, Var (N(t)), of cumulative n.b.a. can be computed from equations (7 )and (8) on each trial. In equations(7)and(8), λ and μ are positive and negative intrinsic nesting rates respectively. Therefore, λ-μis, the true intrinsic nesting rate, which is symbolized with ρ and can be calculated from equation(10)or(11). The results obtained from the experiment on 45 mice, 20 of which are males, are given in Table 1,and ρ values in Table 2. The findings in this experiment are that the n.b.a. falls according as the room temperature rises from 17.2℃ to 19.4℃ and that there is no difference in the n.b.a. between both sexes. These results seem to be appropriate to the notions which were already demonstrated by KINDER and others, that nest-building behavior serves as heat-conserving activity. Subsequently, another experiment was conducted to know the effect of previous experiences on the n.b.a.. Thirty-four infant mice were divided into three groups, and given the following treatments. The first group was given neither nest material nor mother mouse and the second group only nest material and the third group both nest material and mother mouse. After about six week's treatment, the n.b.a. was measured. N(t) and N^^^-(t)in this experiment are given in Table 3 and ρ values in Table 4. The first group excelled the others in the n.b.a. as the data show. Therefore it is suggested that, when an instinctive behavior such as nest-building is emitted for the first time from birth by some stimulus, it might become particularly active. Lastly, the goodness-of-fit between the computed n.b.a., N^^^-(t), and the observed n.b.a., N(t), was determined by computing X^2. The values obtained are given in Table 5. It seems that this stochastic model is practically useful for analyzing the nest-building behavior, though there is a significant difference during the first nine trials.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1960-04-01
- ニホンザルの群れに奇形が多発
- ニホンザル社会における母子関係(形態学・心理学・生態学)
- ニホンザルの自然社会における順位関係
- ニホンザルの遊牧生活高崎山の群れについて
- ニホンザルの群れ社会に於ける順位(生態・動物地理)
- 綜合討論(心理学・生態学)
- アカゲザル・カニクイザルグループにおける性関係(心理学・生態学)
- 本能か,必要から生まれたか ("縄張り"の人間行動学)
- サルからみた行動派学者たち 渦状星雲のようなエネルギーの源は (「行動科学」のめざすもの 人間-環境の生態系を考える(特集))
- マウスの巣つくり活動, とくにその過程の確率論的解析について
- 南米広鼻猿類の社会距離について
- それほど沈黙でもない春--アメリカには鳥が帰ってきた (荒廃つづく日本の自然(特集))
- 動物生態観察 (リーダーシップ--集団過程の社会心理学(特集)) -- (リーダーシップ研究の諸立場)