- 論文の詳細を見る
Oshima Island having an area (10 km^2) is situated 50 km off the southwestern corner of Hokkaido. It is composed of the recent triplo volcano and the highest point attains 706 m. The vegetation showes fiesh and mostly unstable and some part is yet bare. The moss communities are well developed on the lava-flows as well as the slope of the volcanic ash and gravel. The Cares flavocuspis community sometimes associated with Aquilegia japonica succeed the former one. According to the deposits of the soil, Arunous sylvester and Maianthemum dila-tatum invade. Often they form the nisular carpet. Or such special slope as not influenced by the NW wind in the winter, the Cirsium kamtachaticum-Angelica ursima and Angelica ursima-Mis-canthus sinensis communities are formed. Berberis amurensis var. japoniea and Sambucus Sieboldiana var. Miquelii communities occur and form thickets in the special localities. The results of the ecological study of the experimental plots prove the communities-Moss, Monocotyle-donous sedge and grass, Dicotyledonous herbs, tall herbs and shruba and developmental states of the volcano. This is excelleat examples of the succession of the plant-covers of the recent volcanoes in Japan.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1957-12-31
- 1. トドマツ林造成における問題点(非農業生物と人間社会との関係に関する諸問題,第8回シンポジウム要旨)
- 502.シラカンバの葉形の変異(造林)(第71回日本林学会大会)
- 北海道渡島大島の植物
- ケヤマハンノキ自然集団の動態(I) : 集団構成個体の消長と生長(会員研究発表講演)
- 石狩海岸林における道路等開削後の林縁部の被害(会員研究発表講演)
- 空知地方天然林の構造(会員研究発表講演)
- 筋刈造林地におけるウダイカンバの発生環境(会員研究発表講演)