中国長白山東部泥炭地における伐採を受けたカラマツ(Larix olgensis HENRY)林の様相
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I studied the structure of a thinned Larix olgensis HENRY forest located on Sandaohu peatland in northeastern China. In the peatland where peat accumulation was less than 20 cm, three tree species, L. olgensis, Betula platyphylla and Populus koreana, occurred. Forest did not develop at sites where peat accumulation exceeded 40 cm. No tree seedlings were present on the forest floor. Forty-one L. olgensis stems were established in a 15 m×15 m plot. The age of L. olgensis ranged from 20 to 29 (averaged 30.9) years. Height and DBH, varied from 1.8 to 14.9 m, and from 0.9 to 22.3 cm, respectively. The thinning, which had been conducted 10-18 years previously, had reduced tree density by 1/3 and created crown gaps. At the time of observation, there were 32% gaps and 12% tree crown overlaps, both of which were also considered to have been created by thinning. However, the thinning had little influence on stem width growth. These results suggested that the growth and seedling establishment of L. olgensis are little affected by light conditions. Soil status such as nutrient availability is considered to be more important.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1994-12-15
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