- 論文の詳細を見る
Patterns of distribution, growth and survival of saplings of main species were studied in a riparian forest dominated by Pterocarya rhoifolia along the Nebusa Branch of the Ishizaki River in southern Hokkaido, Japan. Densities of saplings were higher on young stands of lower flood-plain deposits characterized by high relative illumination (RI) and immature soil than on the forest floor of closed stands on higher flood-plain deposits characterized by low RI and mature soil. P. rhoifolia and Alnus hirsuta were the most abundant species on the lower flood-plain deposits, while Acer mono and Ulmus laciniata were the most abundant species on the forest floor on higher flood-plain deposits. In the closed stand on higher flood-plain deposits, saplings of P. rhoifolia were distributed contiguously around a gap of the canopy and grew more slowly than U. laciniata, while those of U. laciniata were distributed randomly on the forest floor. On lower flood-plain deposits, the growth rate of A. hirsuta was higher than that of P. rhoifolia in the upper layer of the stand ; however the survival rate of A. hirsuta tended to be lower than P. rhoifolia in the lower layer. Therefore, it was concluded that P. rhoifolia is the intermediate species between the pioneer, like A. hirsuta, and the nonpioneer, like U.laciniata. I hypothesized that flooding disturbances and the site, like the narrow valley bottom with low light resources, favored the regeneration of P. rhoifolia.
- 1992-12-10
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