- 論文の詳細を見る
Based on a detailed survey of forest distribution, the vegetation structure of the temperate zone in eastern Japan was reexamined in relation to climatic factors, and the natural forest of this zone was divided into three principal types : (1) Fagus crenata forest ; (2) Intermediate-temperate forest (IMTF) ; (3) Upper-temperate forest (UTF). Under an oceanic climate Fagus crenata forest predominated throughout the temperate zone, whereas IMTF and UTF flourished under an inland climate. The geographical boundary between IMTF and UTF was located in the southern part of Hokkaido Island, and the vertical approximately in the middle of the temperate zone along an altitudinal gradient. The geographical differentiation between these two forest types is attributed to a differential response of their dominants to thermal climate, especially during the cold season. Therefore, although previously considered as intrazonal or ecotonal, IMTF and UTF were here recognized as having essentially a zonal character in the context of vegetation structure. In conclusion, the "Intermediate-temperate zone"shows no correspondence with the intermediate zone between the warm-temperate and the cool-temperate, but clearly corresponds to the "lower temperate zone".
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1990-08-30
奥富 清
奥富 清
東京農工大 農
奥富 清
奥富 清
野崎 玲児
野崎 玲児
神戸女学院大 人間科学
野嵜 玲児
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