ギンゴウカン群落に関する研究 : V.虫害後の林相回復
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During October 1986,excessive sap uptake by jumping plant lice (Heteropsylla cubana) caused severe damage to the canopy foliage of the Leucaena leucocephala scrub at a site in central Okinawa Island. From December 1986 to June 1988 a study was made of the vegetational succession on the floor beneath the damaged canopy. By the December 1986,two types of herbaceous undergrowth, zebra grass (Miscanthus sinensis) and the climber Ipomoea acuminata, had begun to grow. Investigations revealed about 4,000 seeds/m^2 to be burried in the topsoil, 35% of which were lost during half of the 1987 growing season. Seedling number gradually decreased due to both coverage by the herbaceous species and to the repeated attacks by jumping plant lice. The seedlings of broadleaved tree species were suptessed by zebra grass, and gradually decreased in number, whereas in stands of the climbing plant, they were able to maintain their numbers. The damage to Leucaena trees by jumping plant lice is so severe that reforestation by making coppices from remnant trees and the growth of seedlings on the stand floor does not feasible. Following the likely the stand floor destraction of the Leucaena scrub, succession may depend on the result of the competition between zebra grass and the seedlings of broad-leaved tree species.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1990-04-30
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