- 論文の詳細を見る
The pattern of variation of floristic composition to gradients of topography and altitude was compared between the tree layer and the herb layer in a secondary forest on Mt. Seburi, Fukuoka Pref., Kyushu, south-west Japan. For the two layers, ordination of 32 quadrats was achieved by the principal axes method based on the similarity index. As loadings of quadrats on the first or the second axis showed a higher correlation between the two layers, it was judged that a clear correspondence in the variation of floristic composition exists between them. Not high but significant correlation was recognized between the total density per quadrat of the tree layer and that of the herb layer. Where the evergreen trees smaller in DBH grew densely, the development of the herb layer was poor as a whole. Absorption of light by smaller and denser stems of the evergreens was considered a limiting factor for the development of the herb layer.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1983-03-30
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