植物群落における個体の重さ, 直径, 高さの頻度分布 : II.非対称I型分布の性質
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Properties of the asymmetric type I distribution were discussed with special reference to the frequency distribution of individual tree weight in Cryptomeria japonica stands. By solving the differential equation for the density function (φ(w)) of this distribution, φ(w) was expressed as a functional equation which related φ(w) with the weight (w) of an individual plant in a stand. Although the explicit solution of φ(w) was not obtained as a function of w, some important statistics of w in a stand were calculated by using the descending order of w as the parameter. The behaviour of the coefficients of φ(w) were discussed by applying this distribution function to artifical stands of Cryptomeria japonica.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1983-03-30
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