ホテイアオイによる無機塩類除去効果に関する基礎研究 : I.成長速度および塩類吸収速度に及ぼす培養液濃度の影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
The biomass production and nutrient removal from water by Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms populations were experimentally tested for a wide range of nutrient concentration in culture solution. The growth of the biomass was successfully simulated by a simple logistic curve for the respective nutrient concentrations. The maximum growth rate at a total nitrogen concentration of 28 ppm (corresponding to 7.7 ppm of total P), 639 g (fresh wt)/m^2 day, was obtained at a biomass level of 6.7 kg (fresh wt)/m^2. The dependence of biomass (w) on nutrient concentration (f) was closely approximated at every stage of growth by the empirical eaquation, 1/w=Af^<-1/2>+A'f^2+B, where A, A' and B are time dependent constants. The optimum concentration of nutrients (ca. 50 ppm N and 13.8 ppm P) remained almost constant throughout the experimental period of 48 days. The maximum rate of nutrient removal was estimated as 13.1 kg N/ha day and 2.7 kg P/ha day.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1981-09-30
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- ホテイアオイによる無機塩類除去効果に関する基礎研究 : I.成長速度および塩類吸収速度に及ぼす培養液濃度の影響
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