瀬戸内海におけるサヨリの産卵 : III.人工産卵床への産卵
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Artificial apawning beds for halfbeaks made of palm hair and "shida-mabushi" were moored to light buoys at six places in the central part of the Seto Inland Sea during the spawning season of the fish in 1963. "Drifting experiments", in which the artificial spawning beds were moored to a drifting ship, were also carried out. More than 25,000 eggs were fastened respectively to two spawning beds moored to two light buoys in Bingonada for 9 days in late May. The number of eggs fastened to the artificial spawning beds, however, was generally small, compared with the spawning conditions of the fishes to drifting seaweeds in this region. Halfbeaks spawn well on those objects which spread horizontally near the sea surface, while they scarcely spawn on objects hung vertically. The spawning beds must be set in such an area where the tidal current is not so strong. Half beaks spawn eggs at night as well as in the daytime. The number of eggs spawned by one female at once is probably in the range between 600 and 800.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1967-02-01
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