- 論文の詳細を見る
Along the lake side of Tofutsu in the vicinity of Abashiri City, the preaestival aspect of the forest of Alnus japonica var. arguta is characterized by the presence of Fritillaria camtschatcensis on which the present study was carried out in June 1962. 1. A distribution pattern of the flower-bearing individuals of Fritillaria camischatcensis was determined according to HOPKINS (1954). The area studied was (25×25) m^2 and the number per 1m^2 was 194.8. The Index(A)of HOPKINS was 1.862(p≪0.001)and the distribution pattern was to be inclined to the aggregative distribution. 2. Individuals of Fritillaria camtschatcensis were conveniently grouped into the three groups on the basis of the developmental stage : A)group-with only a leaf without a stem ; B)group-with stem having no flowers and flower buds. ; C)with stem having flowers and flower buds. On each type the stem height, the node number, the bulb size and the weight were measured. Generally speaking, the characters showed quantitatively to be A<B<C. 3. In comparison of leaf length, leaf width and average number of verticillate leaves per individual of F. camtschatcensis under investigation with those of the diploid and the triploid F. camtschatcensis investigated cytologically by MATSUURA(1935), it is suggested that the individuals of F. camtschatcensis under investigation will be the triploid which are commonly grown in the lowlands in Hokkaido.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1963-10-01
伊藤 浩司
伊藤 浩司
伊藤 浩司
矢守 謙一
伊藤 浩司
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