- 論文の詳細を見る
Geologically and geographically, the plain of Takamatsu is consisted of three parts : alluvial low land, diluvial upland and hills of granite, and a good number of ponds are distributed in each part. From 31 ponds of them, materials of planktons were collected, and the distribution of desmids has been studied. In the low land, the bed of ponds is consisted of new marine deposits of blue mud, and their waters are somehwat brackish probably considering from the fact that they contain the considerable amount of chlor-ion gradually supplied from their beds. In these ponds the occurrence of desmids was either absent or very scanty. As to the ponds in hill-part and upland, more number of desmids both in species and in individuals have been found in the eutrophic ponds rather than in the oligotrophic ones. It is generally said that desmids are fond of the oligotrophic pond. This unexpected result seems to depend upon the age of pond-water rather than whether being eutrophic or oligotrophic. It has been also believed that ponds with a lot of desmids are generally low in calciumion. But in this district some of these ponds, low in calcium-ion, were frequently absent or scanty in desmids and had water-blooms caused by Voluox microcystis, etc., presumably to the richness in nitrate and phosphate compounds.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1954-06-30