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In Japan, while there are a few studies which consider sexism in school, there are no studies regarding gender equality. However considering the policy of gender equality education in Tokyo and Kanagawa, it isn't enough that we think of the reality in respect of gender in school as only sexism. This paper raises this issue. The purpose of this paper is to make clear how gender equality and sexism are complicated in junior high school. In order to throw light on the inside process in school, I use the key concept "hidden curriculum". It is considered that the "hidden curriculum" works at two levels : explicit hidden curriculum and implicit hidden curriculum. Focusing on one school and one subject social studies, especially civics, this paper shows some examples of these two "hidden curriculum" levels and interprets the massages included in them. Firstly, this paper examines the explicit hidden curriculum from three points : sex distribution, the messages included in the civics textbook, and school organization. For example, in sex distribution, how boys and girls are separated or mixed and what messages are conveyed from sex distribution, in the textbook, how sex division of labor is broken down and how gender issues are described ; and in school organization, what position and what role do women teachers have. Secondly, the implicit hidden curriculum is investigated from teacher-student interaction and inter-student interaction. Using ethnography, this paper shows while one male teacher has some consciousness of gender equality and sometimes conveys the messages about gender equality, he often makes girls experience sexism ; for example, the lesson is aimed at the boys, the girls are given attention by ridicule, and they are not expected to go to the university with all the work that entails. Regarding inter-student interaction, this paper identifies how boys don't allow girls to control the classroom, and make fun of girls' proposals.
- 1996-05-20
- 「ジェンダーと教育」研究に見る方法意識の検討(研究発表III III-5部会 ジェンダーと教育(3))
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- 明治期の尋常小学校修身教科書からみる女性像(III-5部会 近代日本の教育(2))
- ジェンダーと教育における反性差別主義的実践をめぐって(I-5部会 ジェンダーと役割形成)
- 2. 隠れたカリキュラム概念の再考 : カリキュラム社会学の再評価(III-10部会 理論・研究法,研究発表III,一般研究報告)