- 論文の詳細を見る
As a researcher on the history of education, I have had a keen interest in educational developments during the 1930's and 1940's in Japan. This was a period of changes pointing toward modern society, when educators already faced today's educational problems and developed problem-solving models. Based on my previous research, I have made the following points in this paper : 1. Researchers on historical sociology and those concentrating on the history of education have not kept up with progress in each other's fields and more mutual contact is strongly needed. 2. According to my understanding the research method of historical sociologists aims at attaining historical images of each period by applying sociological theory and concepts to it. On the other hand, educational historians have been trying to obtain images of each period by clarifying its historical educational concept. 3. In that sense, it is essential for those doing research on the history of education to begin to set up hypothetical educational concepts. The criticism has been made that this biased, and will continue to bias, the researcher's view. But I believe that to discover a pattern in apparently unrelated local phenomena in educational history, historical research based on hypothetical educational concepts is needed. 4. Reseachers in both fields are faced with the necessity of cooperation to develop research methods and a theory of data collection and analysis which will permit them to clarify educational motives and patterns of behavior at home and in society at large in a non-school setting.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1995-10-20
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