- 論文の詳細を見る
The field of historical sociology boomed in popularity in America and England from the late 1970's on into the 1980's. The same boom took place in Japan ten years later, beginning in the late 1980's. In Japan, however, this was more the work of scholars in sociology of education than it was of sociologists. Six of the seven articles in the "Journal of Educational Sociology" No.56 (1995) are based on historical studies. The surge of historical studies in sociology of education can be explained by the fact that scholars in this field have in the past done more historical research of quality than have sociologists in Japan. In this paper I discuss why historical studies in sociology of education have had such an extensive influence on other disciplines such as sociology and history of education. In recent years, however, historical studies are being conducted in sociology, and the studies in history of education are being informed with sociological theory and a socio-historical perspective. Scholars doing historical studies in sociology of education now have competition and are slowly losing their dominance in the field. Furthermore, their work in historical studies is being hampered by the re-structuring in education departments of recent years. Educational sciences, including sociology of education, are being departmentalized under "policy relevant" sciences. In these ways, scholars in sociology of education doing historical studies are facing a crisis. I conclude this paper with several suggestions for coping with this coming crisis.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1995-10-20
- 広田照幸[著], 『教育言説の歴史社会学』, 四六判, 392頁, 本体3,800円, 名古屋大学出版会, 2001年1月刊
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- 242 文化資本と学校編成原理 : 普通科高校の調査から(II-4部会 学校(2))