- 論文の詳細を見る
In modern Japan, there were two ways to access the professions, such as doctors or lawyers. One was to get the degree at formal schools, and the other was to pass the qualifying examination. The latter attracted especially poor, but ambitious young people, as "the short-cut to the success". In this papes, I took the doctors as an example and focused on the qualifying examination (Ijutsu-Kaigyo-Shiken). By tracing the history of this examination system from the viewpoint of the profession, not the educational systems, I tried to analyze it's function in the medical community ; what role did this examination system play in establishing this profession? How did it transform? Why was it abolished? I pointed out followings : This qualifying examination was adopted under the strong national control to reform old medical system and improve doctors' staff. And it succeeded in producing the new modern doctors. However, it failed to integrate them into the same status group because it lacked essentials of the state examination for the professions. Therefore it made the medical community stratified. Once people passed the examination, they could make a fortune as medical practitioners. Hence more and more people tried to take the examination to become a doctor. This trend resulted in producing modern doctors as many as required. This qualifying examination continued till Taisho era, however, successful candidates came to be criticized in terms of their skills and ability. As a result, this qualifying examination system caused dispute whether it needed to be reformed. After all, it was decided to be abolished by the power of elites in Meiji 39 (1906). But new examination, that supplanted former one, still lacked essentials of states examination. Therefore it was not until the World War II ended that medical community in Japan were integrated by introduction of state examination. I need to introduce this viewpoint to other professions and accumulate case-studies, so that I can deepen the study about educational credentialism and qualifying examination.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1992-10-10
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- 麻生誠・山内乾史[編], 『21世紀のエリート像』, A5判, 176頁, 本体2,000円, 学文社, 2004年11月刊
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- 竹内洋[著], 『大学という病-東大紛擾と教授群像-』, 四六判, 296 頁, 本体 1, 800 円, 中央公論新社, 2001 年 10 月刊
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- 大淀昇一[著], 「近代日本の工業立国化と国民形成」, A5判, 518頁, 本体12,000円, すずさわ書店, 2009年6月刊