- 論文の詳細を見る
Education can be regarded as the oldest information industry because it selects, according to society's value, information and culture from what has been accumulated and handed down through generations, systemritizes them as knowledge, and hands them down to the coming generation. One challenge to education was that prevalence of the "mass media" began to deliver to young persons massive amounts of information which was not screened by educators. However, a series of recent developments in information related technology may undermine the present society itself and, therefore, the education in it, pushing the industrial society into the "information society". This term began to be used in the sixties and settled in Japan by 1969. Recent technological changes can be classified into four closely related categories. 1. The computer has sized down dramatically in spite of the rapid enlarging of its memory so that any small machine can be operated by a microprocessor. 2. The electric communication method experienced a breakthrough so that new technology such as glass fiber and artificial satellites formed a global scale network which enabled instantaneous bilateral and multilateral exchange. 3. The content, which is stored, and dispatched as a signal and again transformed into understandable form to the human being, has been elevated from mere numerical signs, to alphabetical letters, to numerous Japanese language letters, to text data, to pictorial image data, to sound data and to moving and acoustic information. The techniques which bring people into artificial three dimensional experience in computer graphics has become possible. 4. The fifth generation computer whose prototype was completed in 1992 deserves to be called "artificial intelligence", because it can afford, like human brains, logical conclusions deducted on the base of huge amounts of stored knowledge and because this process is conducted by way of a parallel circuit, not by a successive circuit as with former generation computers. The day will not be far when the communication network is formed as LAN, WAN, VAN connected with each other and millions of highly competent large and small scale computers hanging on it, and covers the society. What type of society will the "information society" be? What will the human being be in such a society? What society should the human being create? How should education be shaped in different levels and different areas and what role should it play in the totally "informationized" society? The paperd which follow this will try to answer these questions.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1992-10-10
- 在外日本人児童の適応と学習 : マニラ・シンガポールにおける在外日本人コミュニティとその子弟の教育に関する調査 中間報告(一般研究 III・4部会 国際比較研究(II))
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- ライフサイクル第三期の女性の意識と学習(一般研究 II・3部会 女性と教育)
- 性別役割分業をめぐる女性の意識構造 : 公民館で学習しているライフサイクル第三期の女性の調査から(一般研究 III・2部会 女性と教育)
- 高等教育を受けた女性の役割に関する調査研究
- 大卒女子の社会活動についての一考察 : 個人志向と社会志向(第5部会 〔成人教育〕)
- 家庭と学校のジェンダー文化と女子学生の職業意識
- 高等女学校教育理念の傳播 : 卒業者調査より(一般研究 III・2部会 女性と教育)
- 明治30年〜大正15年の高等女学校教育 : その卒業者の調査より
- 「賢母良妻」から「良妻賢母」へ : 明治28年から31年の高等女学校論
- 諸外国の教育改革と日本 : 西独の中等教育の改革を中心に
- 同期型オンライン授業の実験とその評価(高等教育(3))
- Kumiko Fujimura-Fanselow, Atsuko Kameda eds., Japanese Women:New Feminist Perspectives on the Past, Present, and Future, 15.2×22.7ミリ, 424頁, $16.95, New York:The Feminist Press at The City University of New York発行 1995年
- オンラインによるインターネットの使い方講習会 (インターネット活用術 (第2回))
- 今井重孝 著, 『中等教育改革研究 : ドイツギムナジウム上級段階改革の事例』, A5判, 290頁, 11330円, 風間書房
- 社会の情報化と教育の変貌-特集にあたって-
- 澤田昭夫・門脇厚司 編, 『日本人の国際化 : 「地球市民」の条件を探る』, B6判, 367頁, 1,800円, 日本経済新聞社
- 図書の出版傾向からみた学校図書館の学校内における位置づけ
- まなぶ(図書館)知識・情報の集積地から生涯学習の場へ (特集 いきいきと過ごす(2)いきがいを育む公共建築)
- 学制改革の視点(V シンポジウム)