- 論文の詳細を見る
Since the 1950's, the problems of "Gender" have been researched mainly from the viewpoint of "education and sexual inequality". From the 1970's on, we advanced this theme under the influence of "feminism" and "women's studies". Early works taught us ttat it was "responsibility for family" that kept women from acting freely with regard to academic achievement and entrance into the cooupational world, but, these works should be classified under the research area of "education and occupation". In the age of "women's impact", many researchers in various fields examined the relationship between "women and education", especially from the criterion of "occupational attainment" or "educational attainment". As a result, they discovered the "norms of gender roles" which benetrate even through the socialization process. The question was then changed to discover the "implicit mechanisms" which reproduce sexual inequlity. It was at this stage that research on "gender role socialization" appeared, from the standpoint of the "hidden curriculum theory" or the "interpretive approach". Considering school organization this research regords "sexism" as "universal" and "natural". In addition "sexism within universalism" was elaborated by research on "gender and selection". Identifying these mechanisms makes it possible to shift from research on "women and education" to research on "gender and education", if we introduce such concepts as the "society of consumption", and the "information society", which surround "gender". On the other hand, we should regard daily "construction" or "performance" of gender, relating to "sexuality". Participation of more male researchers in this field is also expected.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1992-08-07
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- 422 解釈的アプローチによる試論 : ジェンダーの「かくれたカリキュラム」をめぐって(課題研究II 『教育とジェンダー』 : 《平等》への視点の再構築)
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