- 論文の詳細を見る
Self, one of the most complicated concepts, is sociologically antinomical. The genesis of the self has been said to have a social origin, but self is private region which is inside a social actor and which is not completely constrained by social values and norms. Therefore, we must examine the nature of the motherinfant interaction and the genesis of the self. Self is societal or "inter-subjective" in its primitive form. However, this implication has not been reflected upon to the full extent. Among the behaviors exchanged between mother and infant, the most important are the maternal interpretations of the infant and the joint actions cooperated between mother and infant. Mother interprets the random and ad-hoc behaviors of the infant as consistent and meaningful. She supposes the subject or "the self" of the infant. These random behaviors are interpreted as "expression". Joint actions between mother and infant comprise referential procedures. By reference, they can pay attention to the same objects or topics. Mother initiates the joint action first, then the infant gets skilled in it. Now the "format" is generated, and both can develop the joint actions successfully upon it. "The self reference game" is one of the joint actions and is the product of interpretation by the mother. In this joint action, mother supposes the inner subject of the infant, and treats it as the referential topic. An infant without an explicit self must also suppose the inner self in himself in order to accomplish the joint actions successfully. This is the genesis of the self and here the self is like a rattle in "the Give-and-Take game". The self is the external topic which is supposed to exist inside the infant. Thus the self has a game-like character, and it remains even in adulthood, and may be compared to what Goffman calls the ritual character of the self. But language acquisition will transform the self into a more internal and conscious one.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1989-10-01
- 1 女子学生文化にみるジェンダーの現代的位相 : 女性内分化の視点から(II-4部会 ジェンダーと教育)
- 2 社会化のポストモダン情況(課題研究II 『に生きる少年・少女(その2)』)
- 146 ハビトゥス社会化論 : ピエール・ブルデューのミクロ社会学(I-4部会 理論(1))
- 115 言語習得の社会学 : 共同行為としての言語的社会化(I-1部会 社会化)
- 母子相互作用における自己参照ゲームー自己の基盤としての共同行為-
- 111 エスノメソドロジーと社会化論(I-1部会 社会化)
- 内面化と社会的前意識-社会過程としての社会化-
- 311 社会化と実践的知識 : 社会化理論の再構築(III-1部会 社会化)