- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to give a correct meaning to the theory of generations in its application to sociology of education. We can point out that the past theories of generations were very ambiguous and that they were not thoroughly examined from an academic point of view. Hence here is the need for this study. To realize this purpose, we would like to deal with the problems of generations chiefly as a conflict between two generations at a given time. Then we consider that the conflict between the generations consists of two types of relationships (of course, each relationship must be regarded as an Ideal-Type). These relationships are as follows : Type A ; a relationship which is caused by the gap between the developmental stages or by the psychological mechanisms of generations, and Type B ; a relationship which is caused by the different historical careers experienced at the same life stage of generations. We cannot help posing the following question. Aren't we fairly confusing those two types of relationships when thinking of generation-gap ? If the answer is in the affirmative, we have to admit that the term "generation-gap" should have some possibilities of being misused as an easygoing sociological concept, especially when the older generation educates the younger one. It is important for us to know the fundamentals of the conflicting relationship between generations so as to avoid this denger. Particularly at this stage, when our society is in a period of drastic transition, we must pay much more attention to Type-B relationship.
- 1979-09-30
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