- 論文の詳細を見る
Background factors which support or restrict elementary school teacher's directive activities are reviewed in the first section. As the supporting factor, (i) authority institutionally attributed to the teacher, (ii) teacher's superiority of experience, social maturity and psycho-physical abilities and. (iii) teacher's prestige are reviewed. Then the five kinds of restriction are also reviewed, which concern the number of class members, time, teaching-learning contents school facilities and security. Interaction between teacher's directive activities and pupil's behavior selection are analyzed in the next section. Behavior conforming to teacher's direction refers to 'Bc', behavior deviating from it to 'Bd', and the degree of satisfaction of subjective need to 'utility'. Many of teacher's directive activities can be analyzed as activities to stimulate pupil's subjective expectation of utility for Bc selection or to restrain his subjective expectation of utility for Bd selection. In the group-instructional situation pupil's subjective expectation of utility for Bc selection is not always high, because the teacher can seldom direct each pupil appropriately. The teacher tries to restrain pupils' Bd selections not only by stimulating their subjective expectations of utility for Bc selection, but by restraining their subjective expectations of utility for Bd selection. The teacher also tries to restrain their expectations of utility for Bd selection by the activities which include direct or indirect negative sanctions to Bd selection. Finally, the teacher's directive activities are analyzed when subjective probabilities of negative sanction perceived by the pupils are low. There are many ways through which teachers can increase pupils' subjective probabilities of negative sanction. Teacher's sanction activitives often fail in restraining some pupil's subjective expectations of utility for Bd selection, if individual pupils or groups of pupils have any strong antipathy to him. This antipathy is often caused by teacher's directive activities which are difficult to be perceived impartial and proper by each pupil. Pupil's antipathy to the teacher is also difficult to be perceived by the teacher, because the pupil doesn't or cannot express it directly, He expresses it indirectly, for instances, by frequent Bd selections or by taciturnity.
- 1973-10-15
- 現代高校生における教師の威信研究 : 教職の社会学的研究そのI(第7部会 〔高校教育〕)
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