マクロ経済計画の地域別部門別分解と再構築 : 事例を用いて
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This paper is the last in a series entitled "International Economic Development Planning," which is part of a larger study, "International Relations and Economic Development Aid." With the end of the cold war, international relationships have been changing drastically, and world attention seems to be turning to the preservation of the global environment. "Development" is now seen to be in opposition to that movement. However, theory and planning are vitally important for the betterment of human life. This paper shows how to break down a macro economic development plan regionally and departmentally, explaining how a macro plan should be developed in reverse. It is regretted that the "Industrial Development Aid, Plan and Evaluation" had to be postponed to the next volume due to page limitations.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1992-12-20
聖学院大学 | 論文
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