新言語はかくして出来る : 英語などのルーツを考察しながら
- 論文の詳細を見る
Language changes. Language change comes about from internal and external causes. This paper deals mainly with the latter. In some cases, the external causes are related to the direct contact of races, peoples or inhabitants. In other cases, the external causes operate without such direct contact. In the latter cases, there is only cultural expansion, principally that of a language. When two or more races have direct contact there are two kinds of language shift: normal transmission over a long span of time, and abrupt creolization. This paper deals with both kinds of language shift. The following four types of language construction are taken up: I.Koineization II. Pidginization, Creolization and Jargonization III. Creoloidization IV. The Post-Creole Continuum
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1992-12-20
聖学院大学 | 論文
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