A New Horizon of Accelerator Physics
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1971-09-14
HASEGAWA Shun-ichi
Science and Engineering Laboratory, Waseda University
Nanjo Hirotada
Department of Physics, Hirosaki University
Nanjo Hirotada
Department Of Physics School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
Nanjo Hirotada
Department Of Physics Hirosaki University
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics,Kyushu University
Ogata Takeshi
Faculty Of Science Kwansei Gakuin University
SAKATA Michinori
Department of Physics, Konan University
Sakata Michinori
Department Of Physics Konan University
Science and Engineering Research Laboratory Waseda University
Department of Physics, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Tanaka Kojiro
Department Of Physics School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
Yajima Nobuo
Research Information Center Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University:research Institute For App
Yajima Nobuo
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Hasegawa Shun-ichi
Science And Engineering Research Laboratory Waseda University
Hasegawa Shun-ichi
Science And Engineering Laboratory Waseda University
Yajima Nobuo
Research Information Center Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Tanaka Kojiro
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
OGATA Takeshi
Faculty of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University
- Monte Carlo Simulation on Propagation of Cosmic-Rays in the Atmosphere
- CHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment
- Observation of High Energy Jets with Emulsion Chambers : Gamma-Rays on Mt. Norikura
- Proposal on the observation of super-high energy cosmic-rays by means of Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) (extended abstract)
- A Heating Mechanism of Ions Due to Large Amplitude Coherent Ion Acoustic Wave
- A Heating Mechanism of Ions Due to Large Amplitude Coherent Ion Acoustic Wave
- High Transverse Momentum of Atmospheric γ-Ray Bundles (>10^eV) Estimated from Their RE Distributions
- Multi-Cored Air Showers Observed by a Combination Array of Spark Chambers and Scintillation Counters
- Soliton Modes in an Unstable Plasma : Nonlinear Phenomena in an Electron-Beam Plasma
- Measurement of Antiproton to Proton Ratio in Cosmic Rays at 10TeV Through : Observation of Sun Shadows by the Tibet Air Shower Array
- Multiple Meson Production in Proton-Nucleon Interactions at 22.6 and 24 Gev/c
- A New Horizon of Accelerator Physics
- Multiple Particle Production in Proton-Nucleon Interactions at 22.6 and 24GeV/c
- Modulated Langmuir Waves and Nonlinear Landau Damping
- Modulated Langmuir Waves and Nonlinear Landau Damping
- Instability of Coherent Ion Acoustic Wave in a Phonon Gas
- Interaction of Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Three-Dimensional Space
- Shallow Water Waves Propagating along Undulation of Bottom Surface
- Snell's Law for Planar Ion-Acoustic Solitons Obliquely Incident on a Plasma Sheath
- Reflection and Transmission of Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Solitons
- Generalized Pressure Tensor,Stress Tensor and Ponderomotive Force in Collisionless Plasma
- A Perturbation Approach to Nonlinear Systems. II. : Interaction of Nonlinear Modulated Waves
- A New Example of Stable Solitary Waves
- On the Method of Numerical Computation of Dispersive Nonlinear Equation
- Modulational Instability of Ion Acoustic Wave in a Turbulent Phonon Field
- Interaction of Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Two-Dimensional Space
- Interaction of Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Multi-Dimensional Space.II
- Coherent States and the korteweg-de Vries Equation for a System of Interacting Phonons
- Method of Conservation Laws for Solving Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
- A Model of the Dispersive Non-Linear Equation. II
- Non-Linear Motion of Ion Streams in a Background of High Temperature Electrons
- A Model of Dispersive Non-Linear Equation
- Non-Linear Motion of Two Ion Streams in a Background of High Temperature Electrons
- Soliton and Nonlinear Explosion Modes in an Ion-Beam Plasma System.II.Numerical Studies of Wave Evolution in a Periodic System
- Soliton and Nonlinear Explosion Modes in an Ion-Beam Plasma System
- Scattering of Lattice Solitons From a Mass Impurity (Theory of Nonlinear Waves)
- A Reply to Ichimaru's Comment
- Acoustic Turbulence Trapped in the Modulated Langmuir Wave and Its Effect on the Collapse
- Acoustic Turbulence Trapped in the Modulated Langmuir Wave and Its Effect on the Collapse
- K-dV Soliton in Inhomogeneous System
- Interaction of Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Two-Dimensional Space
- A Generalization of the Reductive Perturbation Method to Multi-Wave Systems (Part II. Further Developments of the Reductive Perturbation Method)
- Reflection of Ion-Acoustic Waves and Solitons
- B Initial Value Problems of One-Dimensional self-Modulation of Nonlinear Waves in Dispersive Media (Part V. Initial Value Problems)
- Application of Hirota's Method to a Perturbed System
- Impurity Localized Modes of Nonlinear Lattice Systems
- Reflection and Transmission of Lattice Solitons
- Soliton Solutions in a Diatomic Lattice System
- On a Growing Mode of the Boussinesq Equation
- Stability of Envelope Soliton
- Soliton Solutions in a Diatomic Lattice System
- Finite Amplitude Ion Acoustic Waves in a Plasmon Gas
- The Effect of Finite Ion Larmor Radius on the Alfven Wave Instability
- Scattering of Lattice Solitons from A Mass Impurity
- Formation and Interaction of Sonic-Langmuir Solitons : Inverse Scattering Method
- A Class of Exactly Solvable Nonlinear Evolution Equations
- A Bioactive and Bioresorbable Porous Cubic Composite Scaffold Loaded With Bone Marrow Aspirate : A Potential Alternative to Autogenous Bone Grafting
- A model of dispersive non-linear equation-2-
- Radiation by Plasma Waves in a Homogeneous Plasma