Observation of High Energy Jets with Emulsion Chambers : Gamma-Rays on Mt. Norikura
Institue of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Nishimura Jun
Institue Of Space And Astronautical Sci. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
OGITA Naofumi
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Department of Physics, Hirosaki University
NIU Kiyoshi
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
TAIRA Toshio
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
TSUNEOKA Yoshikazu
Department of Physics, Nagoya Institute of Technology
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kyoto University
OGATA Takeshi
Department of Physics, Kwansei Gakuin University
OYAMA Yoshito
Department of Physics, Konan University
DAKE Shoji
Department of Physics, Kobe University
Akashi Makoto
Department Of Physics Hirosaki University
Niu Kiyoshi
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Nishimura Jun
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science
Department of Physics, Hirosaki University
Department of Physics, Konau University
Department of Physics, Konau University
Department of Physics, Konau University
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo Tanashi
Science and Engineering Research Laboratory Waseda University
Yokoi Kei
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Yokoi Kei
Department Of Physics College Of General Education University Of Tokyo
Mito Iwao
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Dake Shoji
Department Of Physics Kobe University
Misakl Akeo
Department Of Physics Konau University
Nishio Akio
School Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Kyoto University
Ogata Takeshi
Department Of Physics Kwansei Gakuin University
Ogata Takeshi
Department Of Environmental Chemistry And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tokunaga Senzo
Department Of Physics Konau University
Taira Toshio
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Science and Engineering Research Laboratory Waseda University
Oyama Yoshito
Department Of Physics Konan University
Tsuneoka Yoshikazu
Department Of Physics Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Tsuneoka Yoshikazu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Kyoto
Ogata Takeshi
Department Of Environmental Chemistry And Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science A
Watanabe Zenjiro
Department Of Physics Hirosaki University
Nishimura Jun
Institute Of Space And Aeronautical Science University Of Tokyo
TAIRA Toshio
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo Tanashi
DAKE Shoji
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
OYAMA Yoshito
Department of Physics, Konau University
NIU Kiyoshi
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo Tanashi
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