Remark on the Energy Distribution of Disintegrated μ-Mesons
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Hayakawa S.
Department of Physics, University of City Osaka
Nishimura J.
Scientific Research Institute.
- Iron and Chromium as Impurities in Artificial Diamonds
- On the Negative π-Meson Capture.
- Nuclear Disintegration by π-Meson Capture
- Neutron Component in Extensive Air Showers.
- Remarks on the Nuclear Disintegration by Meson Capture.
- Directional Distribution of Extensive Air Showers
- On the Electronic Component in Extensive Air Showers.
- Impact of Atomic Data on Tokamak Modeling
- Random Processes with Dead Time and Buffer Memories
- Propagation of the Cosmic Radiation through Intersteller Space
- Remark on the Energy Distribution of Disintegrated μ-Mesons.
- Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction at High Energies.
- The another τ-Meson
- Soft Component in Upper Atmosphere.
- Nuclear Disintegration by π-Meson Capture.
- Propagation of the Cosmic Radiation through Inetrsteller Space
- Remark on the Energy Distribution of Disintegrated μ-Mesons