自然的・人為的社会不安に関する青年の危機意識を探る : 日独青年の社会問題に対する不安感の比較研究
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People all over the world are constantly aware of the social problems and increasing crime rates (drugs, violence, terrorism, etc.) now tantamount to a global crisis. The most important aspects of these problems have to do with politico-economic unrest and new religions that manifest a loss of values and even terroristic violence. Nevertheless, despite the discontinuities and unevenness, the contradictions and confusions, we are now witnessing one of the most important changes in the history of humankind. In this context, today's youth seem to idealize a return to nature and even to be willing to sacrifice health and happiness today for the sake of their dream of encounter with tomorrow. Ominous signs darken the horizon, however, and preclude facile optimism. This paper presents a comparison of attitudes toward social unrest among German and Japanese university students. The method employed is that of the questionnaire. Under the heading of social unrest, the main problems are the politico-economic crisis and violence-inclined new religions. These problems are discussed from social psychological and ethnological points of view. その先祖と子孫についての考察.唯一なるもののよび起こすこの様々な木霊の奇怪さ.何ということだ.この自我という魂は,おのれの外に,様々な部分を見出すのか.……「テスト氏」 1896 P.ヴァレリ-
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1996-09-20
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