囘轉爐による海綿鐵の製造に就いて(第 2 報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The author commenced the experiment of manufacturing sponge iron by the use of rotary furnace in March 1938 (Showa-15), continued it to March 1939 (Showa-16) and began to manufacture industrially since May 1939. The following is the result of the experimental working informed as the second report. The most difficult point in conducting various methods of manufacturing iron by the use of rotary furnace is the problem of refractory materials. Happily the manufacturing operation of the sponge iron is conducted at temperatures from 1000℃ as maximum to 900∿950℃, so that there is no fear of suspension of the operation by the limited life of the refractory bricks. The rotary furnace used at present is of small size, so that the operation is easy and the product with the reduction grade of above 90% are continuously manufactured. Improvements in operating the furnace since then were as follows : A) 1. Equipping the measuring meters, and measurement of the temperature of the furnace walls and the furnace gases. 2. Measurement of the blast quantity. 3. Equipment of extracting the sample in the middle of the furnace. 4. Improvements in the method of extracting of the analysis sample of the furnace gases. B) Justification of the passing time of the charge, increase of the production capacity and the stabilization of the manufacturing operation by modifying the inner form of the furnace. The effect of the reducing agents on the reduction rate of the product is important, and it needs the more fixed carbon and the proper grain size. Impurities in the products are eliminated by simple operation. 30∿40% of MnO etc. have been excluded when examined from the result of the experiment. Moreover, the author reported on the result of the melting test of sponge iron that had been conducted for a long time since the experiment of the first report.
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