18世紀カタルーニャの地域工業化 : 産地形成と業種転換を中心に
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This paper analyzes why Catalonia was the only region of Spain to achieve a standard of industrialization that was able to stand comparison with advanced regions in the rest of Europe. In eighteenth century Catalonia, there was a concentration of small wool industry centres in the mid-north. This concentration was brought about by such factors as viticultural specialization in the southeast, and by the land system and the craft guilds in the mid-north. The resulting possibility of economizing through agglomeration gave Catalan clothiers a competitive advantage over other parts of Spain, and the mid-north of the region became an active proto-industrial district. Meanwhile, the beginning of the eighteenth century had seen the birth of the calico printing industry in the Catalan capital, Barcelona, as a result of the sort of "product innovation" found in other advanced European regions. In the 1780s, this new industry came to need locally produced cottonspun yarn and cotton cloth. As a result, wool industry centres began to convert to cotton, again using the advantages of agglomeration. This connection between a rural protoindustrial district and an urban-based new industry strengthened and enlarged Catalonia's industrial base, turning it into a "fabrique collective".
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2001-09-25
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- 18世紀カタルーニャの地域工業化 : 産地形成と業種転換を中心に
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