98 エダマメ着莢に対するブラシノライドとジャスモン酸の影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
Brassinolide (BL) and Jasmonic acid (PDJ) are plant hormones and play various roles in plant growth and development. The effects of their exogenous application on the flowers and pods of soybean are examined. Soybean (cv. Tamasudare-2) was sowed in plastic case, and one-week old seedlings were transplanted in the field to grow until harvesting. Both hormones were applied at 10 days before flowering or at the beginning of flowering. The numbers of pods were decreased by brassinolide application, especially applied at the beginning of flowering, due to the decrease of the rate of podding. Jasmonic acid application increased the number of pods with the increase of the number of flowers, though the number of seeds in a pod was reduced null or one in many pods.
- 植物化学調節学会の論文
- 2002-10-31
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- エダマメ着莢に対するブラシノライドとジャスモン酸の影響(第37回大会研究発表抄録)
- 98 エダマメ着莢に対するブラシノライドとジャスモン酸の影響
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- 85 ジベレリンの連続投与が矮性イネの穂の形態形成に与える促進効果
- 東北タイの天水作物生産における不耕起・心土破砕の適用性
- 18. エダマメ着莢に対するブラシノステロイドとジャスモン酸の影響
- 閉鎖系養液栽培における緩速砂ろ過法の培養液除菌に及ぼすろ過装置の熟成過程の影響
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- イネに刻まれた人の歴史, 池橋宏著, 学会出版センター, 2000, 119 ページ, 2, 400 円