田原 英一
Tahara E
First Department Of Pathology Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
田原 英一
Tonami Sunshine Hospital
Tahara E
Radiation Effects Res. Foundation Hiroshima
- Effect of Cnidii Rhizoma (Senkyu) on triphasic skin response in passively sensitized mice
- アレルギー性3相性皮膚反応と川〓の抑制効果
- 酸棗仁湯が有効であった奇声を主徴とする夜間せん妄の2症例
- 療養型病床群において釣藤散投与を契機に経管栄養状態から経口摂取が可能となった高齢者の3例
- In situ mRNA Hybridization Technique for Analysis of Human Telomerase RNA in Gastric Precancerous and Cancerous Lesions
- Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in human gastric carcinomas
- 135 高齢者の大量発汗に黄耆末の振り出しが有効であった2例
- 110 酸棗仁湯が奏効した、夜間奇声を上げ続ける一老女例
- Restoration of the Cellular Senescence Program and Repression of Telomerase by Human Chromosome 3
- Inhibition of Cell Growth by Transforming Growth Factor β1 Is Associated with p53-Independent Induction of p21 in Gastric Carcinoma Cells
- Overexpression of Cyclin-dependent Kinase-activating CDC25B Phosphatase in Human Gastric Carcinomas
- Reduced Expression of Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor p27^ Is Associated with Advanced Stage and Invasiveness of Gastric Carcinomas
- Expression of p21^ in colorectal adenomas and adenocarcinomas and its correlation with p53 protein expression
- 麻黄連〓赤小豆湯加減方が有効であった皮膚疾患の3例
- Overexpression of Retinotic Acid Receptor βInduces Growth Arrest and Apoptosis in Oral Cancer Cell Lines
- Current progress of cancer chemotherapy The Fifteenth International Symposium of the Hiroshima Cancer Seminar, October 2005
- Genetic Status and Expression of the Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitors in Human Gastric Carcinoma Cell Lines
- Frequent Amplification of the Cyclin E Gene in Human Gastric Carcinomas
- Silencing of the CD44 Gene by CpG Methylation in a Human Gastric Carcinoma Cell Line
- Expression of Interleukin-6 and Its Effect on the Cell Growth of Gastric Carcinoma Cell Lines
- Immunohistochemical Detection of Human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase in Normal Mucosa and Precancerous Lesions of the Stomach
- Expression of Telomerase Catalytic Component, Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase, in Human Gastric Carcinomas
- Molecular targeting therapy for cancer : The Twelfth International Symposium of the Hiroshima Cancer Seminar, November 2002
- Genetic and epigenetic alterations in multistep carcinogenesis of the stomach
- Molecular-pathological diagnosis of gastrointestinal tissues and its contribution to cancer histopathology
- Expression of Human Telomerase RNA Is an Early Event of Stomach Carcinogenesis
- Hepatoblastoma in an adult associated with c-met proto-oncogene imbalance
- Molecular Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Cancers : The Application to Clinical Practice
- S-II-2 伝統医学的病理概念への臨床免疫学的手法の応用