- 論文の詳細を見る
I am interested in students' sense of self-decision making and I seek for utilizing this for the new way of presentation for art classes. So in this study, I mention about process how the student decide the ways of the contents to express their real feeling. For this purpose I reconstruct my lessons from the aspect of teaching method respecting the students' views. In other words, I'd like to seek, for art lessons esteeming the students' concept. This is because today is the age to change traditional way of thinking about art teaching. It is important to lead the students with esteeming self-efficiency and individualization to make their power in themselves be up through lessons. I proved how significant to make them feel self-efficiency by giving many opportunities of self-decision making. And I also proved how useful to accept backgrounds of individual experiences to promote flexible art lessons. As these examples, I picked up the lesson "The invisible" and "the Medium lesson" which the students had many selective elements including medias for their works and which assumed individual feeling more than before. They are having probability to change artlessons dynamically.
- 美術科教育学会の論文
- 1997-03-31
美術科教育学会 | 論文
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