「リチャードソン・メソッド」における実践上の問題について : 「フーパー書簡」による批判をもとに
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to examine the Richardson Methods, especially regarding to its practical issues by reconsidering the criticism from the then His Majesty's Inspector George Herbert Hooper. The Richardson Methods were developed by Marion Richardson (1892-1946), who pioneered learner centered art education based on the pupils' innerimagery. Hooper wrote to Richardson after the observation of her class, and his criticism in the letter has been a basis of the view that the methods were strongly tied up with Richardson,s personal character so that it is not understandable or transferable to others. I tried to reexamine this view by referring to Richardson's syllabus, lecture notes, her pupils, works etc. The topics including the relation between teacher's leadership and learner centered education, the two principles of Richardson's reaching, the problem of the "resemblance" of works in the class, Richardson's view on the Cizek School's exhibition, and the political purpose and bias of the Inspector's letter were discussed in the paper. In conclusion, it was pointed out that the Inspector's criticism to the leaners' spontaneous expression, to the continuation of it after adolescence, and to the transference of the methods to the others were not necessarily based on a full understanding of her teaching. And we can have a possibility to open up a way to the further development of the methods in our education.
- 美術科教育学会の論文
- 1997-03-31
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