バングラ物語,進みいく高等教育と移りいく稲作体系 : バンクラデシュ農業大学との学術交流協定調印の記 (特別紀行)
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We visited Bangladesh during October 28 and Nobember 4, 2004. The main purpose of the visit was to sign the agreement for academic cooperation between Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences and School of Agriculture of Kyushu University and Bangladesh Agricultural University. Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) is located at Mymensingh, 120 km north of Dhaka, the capital, and is the top-ranked agricultural univercity in the countly. Signing was done on Nobember 30 at BAU by Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University and by Vice-Chancellor of BAU. After signing, we visited some departments related to the specialty of members of our delegation and the university farm under the Department of Horticulture. In addition to BAU, we visited Bangabandhu Shekh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), located at Salna, Gazipur district, and Univercity of Development Alternative sity (UODA), located at Dhanmondi, Dhaka. BAU and BSMRAU are national universities while UODA is a private university and was founded in 2002. Through visited of these universities we understood the rapid rise in demand for higher education in Bangladesh. Such demand for higher education has been supported by private universities irrespective of great differences in tuition and admission fees between national and private universities. Our other work was the field-survey of land use at the time shifting from the wet season to the dry season in Bangladesh. For this purpose we surveyed land use of the Madhupur Tract along the Dhaka-Mymensingh road and of the Brahmaputra and Ganges River Floodplants along the Dhaka-Aricha road. In the Madhupur Tract Transplanted Aman was found to be at the vegetative stage. However, considerable parts of land lying at the lower place were devoid of Aman, because the sevene flooding of 2004 prevented planting of Transplanted Aman. In the Brahmaputra Floodplain we saw growing of Transplanted Aman and soybean. Setting-up of a shallow in the field suggested supply of irrigation water to Transplanted Aman. In contrast, we hardly saw Aman in the paddy field in the Ganges River Floodplain, and it imagined me difficulty of planting of Transplanted Aman due to deep water by flooding in this physiography where Broadcast Aman was originally cultivated. Several Rabi vegetables are plamted after lamd preparation followed by cultivation of Boro. Through traveling by car we understood indudtrial development in the Madhupur Tract, explosove increase in manufacturing of bricks, and large-scaling of perboiled-rice processing enterprise since my last visit to Bangladesh in February through April 2001. We also went to permanent and open markers to grasp the current situation of production of vegetables and fruits.
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