- 論文の詳細を見る
High manganese steels with constant manganese, about 13 percent, and varying carbon 0.28 to 1.46 percent were quenched from high temperature ; by heating these steels to several temperatures, the changes in microstructure, magnetization and hardness were studied, and the effect of carbon on these changes was thoroughly illustrated. In microstructure, the separation of carbide and the changes, austenite → martensite, and austenite → troostite, take place by heating. The acicular carbide separates in hypereutectoid steels, the amount being increased with increasing carbon content. As the temperature rises upto 450° the amount of carbide increases, after which it decreases, owing to increase of the so lubility of carbon in austenite. The changes, austenite → martensite, and austenite → troostite (modulus), take place more readily, as the carbon content increases. The rate of these changes and the amount of the product are maximum at 550°. The former change gradually proceeds and does not complete even after heating for 50 hours, while the latter change nearly completes on heating at temperatures above 500° for several hours. The intensity of magnetization increases by heating, the rate being sluggish in low carbon specimens. The intensity is, therefore, less in low carbon specimens, though it exceeds over that in high carbon specimen, by a prolonged heating, when the heating temperature is below 500°. The hardness also increases by heating, the rate being large in high carbon specimens. The increase is marked at the initial stage of heating, and somewhat decreases by further heating. In a low carbon specimen with 0.28 percent, h-phase is formed, the martensite being increased. In this specimen, the increase of magnetization is conspicuous by heating, while that of hardness is small.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1933-01-25
- タングステン鋼に於ける針状地鐵の生成に就いて
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- クロム鋼の組織圖
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- 23) 鐵鋼中の含有瓦斯に關する研究(第二報) : 鋼塊内の酸素分布に及ぼす炭素の影響(日本鐵鋼協會第拾五囘講演大會)
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