- 論文の詳細を見る
This is the second essay on the "Reflections on the Course `American History of Politics and Diplomacy.'" In both the first and the current essays I have described my attempt to use a new method of managing the course at Meiji University in Tokyo. A "life-sized education" which corresponds to the ability of the course students, and a class not with the teacher doing all the talking nor the students only listening, were some of the musts in the new method. In particular, I have argued, establishing some kind of intellectual communication between teacher and students and having students actively engaged in the course should be the main aims of the course. During the period of the attempt from last April to January this year, I experienced difficulties carrying out the course as outlined at the beginning of the first term. For example, the students were not familiar with the presentation of their summary of the chapter in the text before the class, so the course did not move as fast as we expected. And if students who were scheduled to present their homework did not show up, the class could do nothing but put off their chapters till the following week. At the end of the second term I asked the students to honestly describe what they thought of the new method. This paper examines what they have said for the purpose of betterment of the course management.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1998-09-20
聖学院大学 | 論文
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