- 論文の詳細を見る
I. Relation between length of flower stalk and flower bud differentiation. After the stalk begins to elongate, the flower buds differentiate and develop. When the stalk of cultivar ‘Kintoki' became about two cm long, the inflorescence begins to differentiate and when the stalk became four to five cm long, florets begin to differentiate. The difference in the condition of flower bud differentiation among radish, onion and carrot was dicussed. II. Influence of seeding time and fertilizer application on the development of flower stalk. Seeds of cultivar ‘Kintoki' were seeded every half month from April 16 to July 16. Then, the earlier the sowing was, the more the number of developed flower stalks there was any developed flower stalk on the sowing from July 1 to July 16. The later the sowing was till June 1, the faster the development of flower stalks. When the amount of applied fertilizer was changed, number of developed flower stalks in plants manured heavily was the same as the number of developed flower stalks in control plants, and that of plants applied no fertilizer was a few. It becomes clear that the development of flower stalk in carrot is affected not only by climatic condition and size of plant but also by absorption of nutrient into plant.I. 抽台, 茎の伸長と花の分化との関係 茎の伸長を始めてから花が分化発育する, 品種金時では茎長約2cm以上で花序が分化し, 4〜5cm以上で小花が分化する. 花の分化条件について, ダイコン, タマネギと異ることについて論じた. II. 抽台に及ぼす種まき期, 施肥量の影響 品種金時を, 4月16日から7月16日まで半月毎に種まきすると, 早まき程抽台し, 7月1日, 16日まきは抽台しなかった. 6月1日まきまでは遅くまいたもの程, 抽台は早まった. 施肥量を変えると, 多肥区の抽台は標準施肥区と同様であったが, 無肥料区の抽台は極めて少なかった. これからニンジンの抽台は, 気象条件と植物体の大きさの外に, 植物の養分吸収条件が影響することを明らかにした.
- 1982-10-20
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