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The present experiment was carried out to obtain some informations about the relationship between the time of first cutting and the growth and chemical components of finger millet, using the cultivar “yukijirushi-kei" as material. The experiments were conducted under 4 seeding rates of 60(I), 250(II), 500(III), and 1000(IV) gram per are and 3 times of first cutting (30, 40, and 50 days after sowing time) following regrowth cutting frequency of 5, 4, and 3, respectively. The effects of seeding rates. the competition of plants began at 30 days after sowing time. The high density induced the elongation of plant height and the retardation of increase in leaf number and dry weight of individual plant. The enlarged differences of growth increment within plant community resulted in the severe decrease in plant number after 50 days, especially in those of dense seeding rate. The forage yield at the time of first cutting increased accompanying with the growth progressed and with increasing seeding rates. The following regrowth, however, yielded conversely with those at the time of first cutting. And total yields were, after all, reflected by the seeding rate. As for the chemical components in the plants at the time of first cutting, the carbohydrate contents were very low and nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen contents were very high at 30 days after sowing time. On the contrary, these phenomena were cleary removed in those at 50 days after sowing time and in the plants of regrowth except for the second cutting ones of first cutting at 30 days. With regard to the plants of early in growth, however, the diurnal changes of these three contents showed violently in a day, especially the nitrate nitrogen contents cocerning the photosynthesis of plants. Thus, the high yields of carbohydrate in the whole cultivated season harvested in those at later time of first cutting, and those of nitrogen were obtained in the earlier one. Moreover, these phenomena were highlighted by dense seeding rate. Judging from the results, it may be poinシコクビエの刈取開始期と生育並びに体内成分との関連を検討するため, 雪印系種子をアール当たり60(I区), 250(II区), 500(III区), 1,000g(IV区)を散播し, 播種後30, 40, 50日目を第1回として, 以後それぞれ5, 4, 3回刈取って, 刈取時の作物体の生理状態と草収量および品質の変動を追求した. 個体数は密播するほど播種後50日以降に著しく減少した. 一方, 生育状況を個体としてみると, 播種後30日以降, 密播するほど, とくに伸育は促進されたが, 葉数および乾物重(とくに葉鞘と地下部)の増加が抑制され, さらに個体間の差が大となった. つぎに群落としての草収量をみると第1回刈取期には播種後30日以降に急増し, また密条件ほど大となる傾向がみられたが, 再生草は刈取開始期が早いと晩いものに優り, 結局, 全収量は播種密度を反映していた. 作物体内における成分の含有状況をみると, 刈取開始期が早いと顕著に炭水化物では低いが, 窒素では高く, 硝酸も高濃度であった. また, これら成分, とくに硝酸の日変化は発芽後の経過日数が少ないほど激しかった. しかし刈取開始期が晩いものや再生草では次第に高炭水化物, 低窒素の状態となり, 硝酸蓄積も認められなくなった. しかして, 全栽培期間の成分収量は刈取開始期が早いと窒素が多く, 晩いと炭水化物が多かったが, これらの結果は密条件で強調されていた. したがって, シコクビエを密播すると初期生育の促進には効果があるが, この間における作物体の生理状態はかなり異なることから, 刈取開始期の基準設定, 刈取時刻および利用法などについての再検討が必要である.
- 1982-03-20
論文 | ランダム
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