A Relation between Ethylene Evolution and Sprouting of Potato Tuber
- Embryogenesis and Glucose Metabolism in Carrot Cell Suspension Cultured in Vitro
- A Revision of the Medium for Somatic Embryogenesis in Carrot Suspension Culture
- Isolation and Some Properties of Deoxyribonucleic Acid from Cultured Cells and Root of Carrot
- Significance of Sugars on Callus induction of Parsley Endosperm
- Isolation of a Specific Potato Tuber-Inducing substance from Potato Leaves
- Changes in Cellular Constituents during Callus Formation in Potato Tuber Tissue Cultured in vitro
- Development of Microbodies and Related Respiratory Metabolism in Potato Tuber Tissue Cultured in vitro
- A Revised Method of Gibberellin Assay by Oat Endosperm Tissues
- Detection of Potato Tuber-Inducing Activity in Potato Leaves and Old Tubers
- Cytokinin Production by Tomato Root : Nutritional and Hormonal Factors Affecting the Amount of Cytokinin Released from the Roots
- Effect of (2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid [CEPA] on Cytokinin Level of Potato Tubers
- Effect of Ethylene on Sprout Growth and Endogenous Growth Substances of Potato Plants
- Effect of Hormones on the Increase and the Subsequent Decrease in NAD Kinase in Potato Tuber Slices
- Shoot-bud Formation and Plantlet Regeneration in Potato Tuber Tissue Cultured in vitro
- Significance of Phosphorylase on Starch Synthesis of Potato Tuberization
- A Relation between Ethylene Evolution and Sprouting of Potato Tuber
- Physiological Studies on the Tuberization of Potato Plants
- Effect of Ethylene Treatment on Auxin Metabolism of Potato Tubers
- Autoradiographic Observation on Growth and Differentiation of Cultured Potato Tissues