- 論文の詳細を見る
In summer of 1951, somatometric investigations were made on the Ainu of the Saru valley in the province of Hidaka, Hokkaido. The subjects were divided into three groups : the pure Ainu, the mixed Ainu-Japanese, and the Japanese in order to facilitate comparison. The Japanese in question were married to Ainu and most of them came from the northeast district of Japan. The most distinctive traits were cephalic. The pure male Ainu had the greatest head length with a mean value of 198.38 mm and a cephalic index of 75.21, while the mixed male Ainu had a head length of 197.08 mm and a cephalic index of 76.24. This finding coincides with results obtained by Y. KOGANEI, E. NAKAYAMA, and Y. KOYA. The mean values for the Japanese subjects, who seemed more mesocephalic than the Japanese in general, were : head length 190.25 mm ; cephalic index 79.64. This shows that their head is shorter in length and far greater in cephalic index than that of the Ainu. The cephalic differences among the three groups were observed in women as well as in men. Lastly, it is worthy of notice that generally speaking there was a considerable agreement between the actual physical traits and expectations from genealogical descent.
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