ごっこ遊びの矛盾に関する研究 : 心理状態主義へのアプローチ
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Although a large number of studies have been made of make-believe play, little is known about the child's cognitive differentiation of fantasy and reality. A decade ago, Kayo(1981)proposed a new experimental method towards this problem. However, from the developmental point of view, much still remains to be done. This paper is intended as a further investigation of developmental change in this area. In experiment I, the experimenter began asking a child in play, "What are you doing?", and received the answer of an imaginary name or role, for example, "I'm making a pudding"or"I'm salesman". Later, the experimenter called the child or the pretend object by it sreal name, for example, "But this is sand, isn't it?"or"But you are Ryuji, aren't you?". The following results were obtained : None of younger food really as the experimenter had done. From these observatins, we can say with fair certainty that the mental movement of children(2:0-2:6)in play children(1:11:0-3:6)could make a valid objection. Older children(3:7-6:6)sometimes could make a valid objection. Based on these observations above, we can conclude that especially over 3 and a half years old, a child's psychological state in play is usually moving, changing and returning inside of make-believe. In experiment II, after the experimenter received play food, such as a "a pudding", from a child in play, he immediately put it into his mouth. The results were as follows : most of the older children(2:6-6:0)were startled and some of them burst out laughing. However, on the one hand, most of younger children(2:0-2:6)were not obviously startled, but on the other hand, many of them looked hard at the scene. Some of them actually began to eat the play lies between the two fixed states of makebelieve and non-makebilieve.
- 心理科学研究会の論文
- 1992-05-31
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